Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Flu Vaccine...

Getting a flu shot every year does not confer immunity, only a strong immune
system will keep everything at bay. I am 54 and have never had a flu shot,
nor have I ever had the flu. But I am very healthy, exercise, eat well, and
do not do prescription drugs. Immune-compromised individuals should NEVER
get a flu shot nor should babies and pregnant women. Even the insert label
states that there is risk of neurological damage for these groups. As a vaccine
researcher, it used to be that you would never vaccinate a sick child or one
who has an egg allergy, but these contraindications are often overlooked.

If you want Alzheimer's, you're a good candidate as getting 5 consecutive flu
shots over 5 years will increase your risk by 10x of developing Alzheimer's due
to the synergistic effect of aluminum and thimerosol (49.6% ethyl mercury) which
exacerbates each of the neuro-toxicity of these heavy metals, which are considered
two of the most damaging heavy metals to the human body. Google search Dr. Hugh
Fudenberg, one of the world's top immunogeneticists, and author of over 800 peer-
reviewed papers. Also, check out Dr. Boyd Haley, of Univ. of Kentucky, for his
vaccine research, in addition to several other doctors who are considered experts in
their field for vaccine research via (Nat'l Vaccine Info Center).

The most common ingredients found in vaccines are formaldehyde, aluminum,
thimerosol (49.6% ethyl mercury), the latter which cannot be removed from vaccines
as ethyl mercury binds to the protein antigens within the serum, hence no such thing
as a 'mercury' or 'preservative' free vaccine, as the 'authorities' would have you believe.
I have in my possession an FDA transcript interview that states if the mercury load is
below a certain threshold, then the insert label does not need to reflect mercury as an
ingredient. However, ANY amount of mercury is considered toxic, even 1 mcg, and
you are receiving 25 mcgs. of ethyl mercury within a flu shot. This is 'acceptable' per
the EPA, if you weigh over 400# as the allowable mercury content is 0.10/mcgs of ethyl
mercury per kilo of body weight. Then you also have ethylene glycol (anti-freeze),
polysorbate 80 (reproductive sterilization agent), msg, squalene (adjuvant), carbolic acid,
phenols, neomycin, streptomycin, foreign viruses, dead animal pus, etc. Great stuff to
be injected into a person, wouldn't you say?

So continue to be a drug cos' dream and line up like sheep, ask no questions, do
as you're told, and receive your poison. Every vaccine carries risks and there is always
damage, either realized immediately or eventually. In 2007, over $92 million was paid
out for vaccine damage, and since '86 close to $ 2 billion has been compensated to
victims of vaccine damage, including death, which pays out a lump sum of $250,000,
small change for a precious life.

Guillian-Barre is more common than you think in that less than 5% of vaccine reactions
are reported, so the above payout amounts would be considerably higher if all reactions
were taken into account. GB has been documented in several reactions to the Gardasil
(HPV) vaccine which contains 675 mcgs. of reactive aluminum in the 3-shot series.
1 mcg. is extremely neuro-toxic. Seizures, loss of consciousness, juvenile and
rheumatoid arthritis, and GB are just some of the reactions which have been reported.
To date over 60 girls have died, and over 16,000 side effects have been documented.
This is just the tip of the iceberg in that less than 5% of vaccine reactions (as mentioned
above) are reported.

It is estimated that 80-85% of SIDS cases are vaccine reactions. And btw, the flumist
vaccine continually sheds the virus for up to 21 days and has been the cause of many
people contracting the flu via this way. I have heard too many people over the years
state that they got the flu from the flu shot. I know some who have died from the flu

As you may recall a few years back, Chiron lost much of their flu vaccine due to the
preservative thimerosol (49.6% ethyl mercury) being ineffective at killing bacteria and
viruses contained in the flu vaccine. This is a cheap, and often unreliable preservative
used at reducing contamination, which naturally occurs when you have the above
carcinogens and neuro-toxins mixed w/dead animal pus and viruses.

And finally, less than 1,200 people die each year of actual flu. The CDC stats show
individual categories for pneumonia, influenza, etc. and these stats are massaged
to make it appear that many more people, than not, die of actual influenza. The '36,000'
deaths that are erroneously reported in the media is fabricated to instill fear and profits
and is an urban legend that needs to be put to rest. The media do the bidding of the
state 'health' depts and Pharma who promote this inflated number. This is all about
$$ and fear, bottom line. Healthy people do not contribute to the drug cos' coffers.
Got to make those shareholders happy. Business as usual, quid pro quo.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Flu vaccine hype...

Am glad you are on the side of reason and common-sense Bill. Have been conducting private, independent vaccine research for 20 yrs initially to make an informed, educated decision whether to vaccinate my baby or not. After the Pandora's box of vaccine damage, death by vaccine, doctors weighing against vaccines, my own health history of being damaged by vaccines in 1st grade and suffering food allergies and asthma for the past 47 yrs, I concluded that they were not safe, especially after finding out all of the neuro-toxic and carcinogenic ingredients they contain, such as formaldehyde, aluminum, thimerosol (49.6% ethyl mercury), ethylene glycol (anti-freeze), msg, squalene, phenols, carbolic acid, polysorbate 80 (sterilization agent), dead animal pus, foreign viruses, etc. No thanks, I don't need this crap in my brand new, beautiful baby's system, and that was 20 yrs. ago and another child later (16), and both kids are extremely healthy, bright, robust young adults. They have traveled extensively, domestically and abroad, and have never had anything stronger than a cold. Keeping the immune system healthy w/plenty of water, sunshine, organic food, etc. has kept us all healthy. Thanks for putting it out there for the public to finally hear an alternative point of view, which corporate media refuses to air. Barbara Loe Fisher rocks! Check out (Nat'l Vaccine Info Center), and google search Dr. Hugh Fudenberg for his 10-yr study on the effects of flu vaccines on Alzheimer's. Fascinating...